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As the mercury plunges, the risk of pipes bursting in your home increases dramatically. A burst pipe can cause considerable damage to your home, potentially leading to costly repairs. Fortunately, with some preventive maintenance, you can protect your plumbing from the ravages of winter. Here are 7 Essential Tips to Ward Off Winter Plumbing Woes, courtesy of NorthStar Restoration Services.

7 Essential Tips to Ward Off Winter Plumbing Woes:

1. Keep the Water Flowing: When temperatures nosedive below the freezing point, water in your pipes can freeze and expand, causing the pipes to burst. An effective preventive measure is to let your faucets drip slightly. The constant flow of water, even at a trickle, prevents ice from forming and keeps the water moving, reducing the pressure that can cause a pipe to burst.

2. Maintain a Toasty Temperature: Never let your home’s temperature drop too low. Keeping the heat on might increase your utility bill slightly, but it will prevent the costly repairs that can result from frozen and burst pipes. Even if you plan to be away, set your thermostat to maintain a minimum temperature of 55°F (13°C).

3. Insulate Vulnerable Pipes: Pipes in unheated areas like garages, attics, and basements are especially susceptible to freezing. Insulating these pipes provides an extra layer of protection against the cold. Foam rubber or fiberglass sleeves can be an easy and effective solution.

4. Don’t Forget the Cabinets: For pipes under sinks, especially on exterior walls, open cabinet doors to allow the warmer air from your home to circulate around them. This is particularly important during severe cold spells when the chance of pipes freezing is higher.

5. Seal Off the Chill: Inspect your home for any leaks that allow cold air inside. Common trouble spots include areas where cables and pipes enter your home. Sealing these leaks with caulk or insulation not only prevents pipes from freezing but also helps save energy.

6. Circulate Warmth: Heat circulation is key in preventing cold pockets that can lead to frozen pipes. Keep interior doors, including those to unoccupied rooms, open so that heat can flow evenly throughout your home. This is especially important if you have a single-source heating system.

7. Safeguard Outdoor Faucets: Outdoor faucets are the first victims of frost. Disconnect garden hoses, drain the water, and insulate the faucet with a cover. For added security, insulate any exposed pipes that run outside.

Conclusion: By implementing these seven steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of burst pipes during the winter months. Remember, prevention is always better than a cure, especially when it comes to home maintenance. Stay warm, stay safe, and for any restoration needs or emergency services, remember to call NorthStar Restoration Services at 866-439-9318 or visit their website at northstarrestorationservices.com. Don’t let winter plumbing problems catch you off guard!

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